[Recipe] My Banana Pancake / [食譜] 私藏香蕉煎餅

IMG_6649  When I wake up late on weekend mornings and find it raining outside, banana pancakes are always my favorite option for breakfast or brunch to start the day. I am pretty easygoing when it comes to making pancakes and that’s probably one of the reasons I like making it, because I don’t have to measure a bunch of different ingredients and go through a lot of steps. This recipe is also very versatile, add anything you feel like eating into the batter, sweet or savory, it all depends on what you feel like having that day or what you have in your cupboard.

all jobs done in a bowl with a fork
look for the bubbles


Basic ingredients are flour, egg, milk, pinch of salt, pinch of baking soda, and of course, banana (add a tablespoon of sugar for plain pancake). Sometimes I like to replace 1/2 of flour with oatmeal, other additional ingredients I like are raisins, dried cranberries, fresh berries, nuts, lemon juice, lemon zest, sesame, cinnamon powder. Thick batter makes thick and spongy pancakes, whereas the more liquid is added to the batter, the texture will be more like crepes. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, and add wet ingredients, after that adjust the texture as desired – add milk if the batter is too thick, or add flour if the batter is too watery.I like to eat the pancakes with honey or maple syrup, mixed with lemon juice and zest. And that’s a healthy breakie right there!

Inspiration: http://goo.gl/eML0ck

Thinner batter makes flatter, crepe like pancakes

說是私藏, 好像很厲害, 其實也就是一個我做得很習慣了的食譜, 沒什麼秘密武器, 可是可以在平常日一大早起床腦袋還沒醒 (我一天最餓的時候就是剛睡醒, 很莫名其妙) 就調好麵糊迅速地做出來, 同時也是周末想穿著睡衣在床上吃早午餐配影集時的首選, 尤其是如果外面在飄雨, 我就會想吃這個香蕉煎餅.  配方很隨性, 固定班底是香蕉, 全麥麵粉, 燕麥, 蛋, 牛奶, 一點小蘇打粉一點鹽, 其他的視當天心情跟櫃子裡的存貨而定, 常出現的有蔓越莓乾, 藍莓, 檸檬汁, 檸檬皮屑, 堅果, 肉桂粉, 芝麻等, 沒有香蕉或其他水果的話麵糊就是加一點糖.  其實多做幾次後就可以抓到自己喜歡的比例, 這個食譜可鹹可甜可清冰箱, 變化很多

鬆餅的厚薄跟口感跟麵糊的濃稠度有關, 乾料(麵粉燕麥) 比例高煎出來的鬆餅就比較厚實, 濕料(牛奶蛋香蕉泥) 多一點就比較薄比較軟, 端看你想吃哪種, 也可以煎得很薄很薄, 像法式薄餅的吃法,  我材料沒有刻意量, 碗裡先放粉類攪辦均勻, 再加入液體, 調整濃稠度, 麵糊太稀就加點麵粉, 太稠就加牛奶, 靜置五到十分鐘(這時可以收東西, 清理檯面, 煮咖啡), 熱鍋, 加一點油, 倒入麵糊, 我肚子餓沒耐心, 所以每次麵糊倒得多餅都很大張, 煎到表面看到大泡泡就可以翻面, 再把另一面煎上色就可以了

經典的就是淋上楓糖漿, 有時起鍋前我會淋上一點蜂蜜跟檸檬汁, 讓鍋子的溫度把蜂蜜檸檬煮熱融合並附著在煎餅上, 灑上檸檬皮屑增加香氣

最後分享一首歌, 配煎餅吃  http://goo.gl/eML0ck

my very first few attempts back in 2011

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