[Taiwan] Cousin’s Engagment Dinner at Asha Traditional Taiwanese Cuisine / [台灣] 台南阿霞飯店之堂姐訂婚宴

According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, tomorrow is the last day of 2014. Traditionally people gather together with their family to celebrate and feast for couple days. And the most important meal is the dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve. This is my fifth time missing the celebration with my family as I live abroad in Canada, but here are some dishes (that are actually from my cousin’s wedding last December) which remind me of cny, they are also very traditionally dishes from my hometown. Fortunately I am invited to my aunt’s place for dinner tomorrow so I don’t have to celebrate alone.  Happy Chinese New Year!!


This pork tripe and scallop soup was very rich and flavorful.


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Signature dish from A-sha restaurant – sticky rice with mangrove crab


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From right to left, clockwise – salted fresh shrimp, pork liver sausage, fried shrimp meat ball

右到左順時針依序為川燙活蝦, 肝腸捲,蝦棗

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Cold appetizer, from bottom right clockwise, boiled home made sausage, bigfin reef squid, stewed pork tongue, steamed crab cake, smoked duck, stewed pork intestine, and pickeled cabbage in the middle

冷盤,沒記錯的話,右下開始順時針依序為粉腸,軟絲, 豬舌, 蟳丸, 燻鴨, 滷大腸頭(被薑絲埋沒的那堆), 中間是很台的高麗菜泡菜wed 5

除夕夜大家都吃什麼呢?今年是我第五年沒在台灣過年了, 想到第一年我還大費周章用電鍋煮了馬馬虎虎的彿跳牆, 現在已經比較習慣了,加上這裡也沒有台灣過年熱鬧的氣氛,也就弄得ㄧ年比一年更簡單

這些是我所有照片裡比較有年味的幾張哈哈,其實是去年十二月回台灣參加堂姐在阿霞飯店的訂婚宴,菜色是很傳統的台菜, 在此祝大家羊年如意,事事順心

(Originally posted on Facebook, Feb. 17, 2015)

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